University Residence or Shared Housing?

Once the visa is issued, we assist students in finding housing as soon as possible, either in a university residence, in a shared apartment in a neighborhood close to the university or with a host family.

University Residence (On-Campus)
For the first year in the U.S., we encourage our students to opt for on-campus life to quickly become familiar with their daily environment and to make new friends. Most universities offer residence halls known as dormitories. In these dormitories, each student shares a room with a roommate of the same gender.

Shared apartments in a neighboring community
This option is best for students who have already spent at least a semester in a dormitory and want to experience life in the city. They can either rent an apartment on their own or share an apartment with other students with whom they share the amenities.

Host Families
Staying with an American family is a great opportunity to experience the lifestyle of your hosts by sharing their daily lives, while improving your English-speaking skills. This program is based on the principle of cultural exchange and requires flexibility and openness for students who want to experience the American lifestyle.

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