Our Partners

Founded in 1865, the University of Maine is a land, sea and space grant institution, and the flagship campus of the University of Maine System. Located in Orono along the banks of the Stillwater River, this vibrant and dynamic university serves Maine, the nation, and the world through its teaching, research and outreach mission. UMaine students come from every county in Maine, more than 49 other states and 81 countries. UMaine offers more than 100 degree programs through which students can earn graduate certificates, master’s, doctoral or professional science master’s degrees. Opportunity for all members of the University of Maine community and its constituents is a cornerstone of our mission.

In fulfilling this mission, the University supports undergraduate, graduate, and professional learning as well as basic research and its application in service to others. As a university committed to excellence and innovation, Mercer challenges members of its community to meet and exceed high standards in their teaching, learning, research, scholarship, and service. Founded by Baptists in 1833, Mercer is an independent university that remains rooted in a tradition that embraces freedom of mind and spirit, cherishes the equal worth of each individual, and is committed to meeting the needs of humanity. Reflecting this heritage: We encourage our students to discover and fully develop their unique combination of gifts and talents to become leaders who make a positive difference in the world.

It was the early 1900s. Coal mining, brick making, and various heavy industries had become economic engines in Pittsburgh. Opportunities abound for those willing to work.
Mais ils avaient d’abord besoin d’apprendre. Ils avaient besoin d’enseignants.
The Kansas State Auxiliary Manual Training Normal School opened in September 1903. One building, 54 students. This new school would prepare teachers in areas of study essential to success and prosperity in the industrial age.

Southeastern Oklahoma State University provides an environment of academic excellence that enables students to reach their highest potential. By having personal access to excellent instruction, challenging academic programs, and extracurricular experiences, students will develop skills and habits that promote the values ​​of career readiness, responsible citizenship, and lifelong learning. life. Southeastern Oklahoma State University provides an environment of academic excellence that enables students to reach their highest potential. By having personal access to excellent instruction, challenging academic programs, and extracurricular experiences, students will develop skills and habits that promote the values ​​of career readiness, responsible citizenship, and lifelong learning. the life.


UNIVERSITY OF  SOUTHERN MAINE offre un environnement d’excellence académique qui permet aux étudiants d’atteindre leur plus haut potentiel. En ayant un accès personnel à un excellent enseignement, à des programmes académiques stimulants et à des expériences parascolaires, les étudiants développeront des compétences et des habitudes qui favorisent les valeurs de préparation à la carrière, de citoyenneté responsable et d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie. UNIVERSITY OF  SOUTHERN MAINE offre un environnement d’excellence académique qui permet aux étudiants d’atteindre leur plus haut potentiel. En ayant un accès personnel à un excellent enseignement, à des programmes académiques stimulants et à des expériences parascolaires, les étudiants développeront des compétences et des habitudes qui favorisent les valeurs de préparation à la carrière, de citoyenneté responsable et d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie.


Salem State University is the result of a transparent and inclusive campus-wide planning process led by the Institutional Collaborative Committee. The university is proud of its gains against the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education (BHE) system goals of college participation, college completion, and closing the achievement gap. In achieving these goals, it is equally important to be committed to authentic teamwork, to openness to sincere dialogue and to the discernment and commitment necessary to undertake systemic change.

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC), located in Boston, Massachusetts, is the largest community college in Massachusetts, with more than 19,000 students enrolled each year. BHCC, founded in 1973, is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). With two main campuses in Charlestown and Chelsea, in addition to three satellite campuses and several teaching centers in the Greater Boston area, BHCC offers a wide range of learning options to meet the diverse needs of our student body. Students can choose from day, afternoon, evening, late night, weekend, online and distance learning courses to fit their busy schedules.

North Shore Community College is a beacon of hope and opportunity for those who learn, live, and work on the North Shore of Massachusetts. The College creates responsive partnerships and collaborations to make a positive difference for residents. By providing an educated and innovative workforce, North Shore Community College contributes to the economic vitality and resilience of the Commonwealth.

Roxbury Community College is a coeducational public institution of higher education offering associate degrees and certificate programs. The primary objective of CCR is to provide residents of the Commonwealth, particularly those living in the greater Boston area, "maximum opportunities for access to a college education consistent with their interests and abilities and to minimize minimum economic, social, psychological and academic barriers to educational opportunities”. The aims of the college are the result of ideas generated by and from the college community and reflect a response to the needs of the wider Roxbury community.

Élaborer et offrir des programmes de qualité avec un personnel et des systèmes de prestation distinctement qualifiés qui assurent la satisfaction des clients et des commanditaires. Assurer une gouvernance, un leadership et une communication efficaces dans l’ensemble de l’organisation. Assurer une base financière solide pour l’entreprise. Établir des normes et assurer des possibilités de croissance et de perfectionnement professionnels pour tous les employés. Développer et fournir des services de qualité pour assurer la satisfaction des clients et des commanditaires. Assurer la vitalité de TLC grâce à la diversification de la clientèle et à la gestion financière. Veiller à ce que les activités stratégiques et la planification de TLC soient conformes aux normes de l’industrie ESL et à ce que notre mission soit à l’œuvre.


 L’Université du Mississippi du Sud en créant et en donnant accès à un environnement riche en informations qui favorise le développement intellectuel, la diversité et la créativité de la communauté universitaire. Les bibliothèques universitaires offrent des possibilités éducatives qui soutiennent la réussite des étudiants, des professeurs, du personnel et d’autres chercheurs de Southern Miss dans leurs efforts académiques grâce à des collections, des services d’enseignement et des tendances émergentes en matière d’érudition.

Our partners in Ivory Coast

Global Training Institution est une institution qui se consacre à fournir aux étudiants et aux travailleurs une formation de qualité qui les préparera à leur avenir, tant dans leur vie professionnelle que dans le monde en général.

Les fondateurs de Global Training Institution ont un profond respect pour l’éducation, et ils savent combien il est important d’aider les étudiants qui souhaitent étudier à l’étranger à être bien guidés dans leur choix d’une université répondant à leurs besoins. Ils comprennent également combien il est important d’offrir un service de qualité  à la clientèle afin de leur permettre d’atteindre leur objectif. C’est pourquoi  Global Training Institution met tout son sérieux et son professionnalisme à leur service. Grâce à des consultants et des superviseurs qualifiés, nous assistons les étudiants et les travailleurs tout au long de leur processus de formation, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient prêts à trouver un emploi ou à poursuivre leurs études.

LEADERS TRANING CENTER (LTC)-SARL is a consulting agency dedicated to building human resources capacities and promoting leadership.
LTC is the result of the joint effort of a network of consultants from public and private administrations, universities, research centers, NGOs...

AMBIZ is the Representative of the American Language Institute, San Diego State University (California, USA) in Ivory Coast. In order to fully meet the needs of professionals, specialty English courses (economic, commercial, secretarial, legal, international relations etc...) are organized for them. The emphasis is given to English as a communication tool.

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